Homecoming Lip-syncing & Finding Your Sense of Belonging on Campus- A Student Leader Spotlight

We are always meeting student leaders who are going the extra mile to make others feel welcome an2015-06-01_14-37-38d build community culture on their campuses. We realized that one great way to learn from each other is to spotlight different students who have made an impact on the lives of their fellow students.

Meet Jasie Eubanks, a student at Northwestern State University. She’s a Business Administration major and the Executive Representative at Large for the Student Activities Board on campus. We asked her about the things she loves on campus and how she gets others involved.

What’s your favorite campus tradition?

My favorite campus tradition is our annual homecoming lip-sync. It is super fun seeing campus organizations go head to head in some friendly competition! It’s an event that brings nearly 1,500 students out and is always entertaining!

What was the first moment you felt you belonged at your school? 

The first moment I felt I belonged at my school was at Freshman Connection (new student orientation). This is when we all got to know the school we committed to in a very fun and friendly environment. Everyone was so nice and I knew then that I made the right decision by coming to NSU.

What’s one time you went from meh to hmm on your campus?

I spent my entire freshman year in a perpetual state of meh. I was not involved at all. I went to class and went home every day for the most part – not very fun at all. I started going to Student Activities Board (SAB) events and realized they were fun and that NSU is full of nice and friendly people. This was my meh to hmm moment. I decided I wanted to be on the other side of the fun. I then joined SAB and have now spent two years as a part of an organization that I love. This meh to hmm moment shaped my entire college experience and I couldn’t be more grateful.

It’s a great feeling to find your niche. Have you ever encouraged fellow students to join clubs or other activities by sharing your own experiences?

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