In Depth with DFT Tip #10: Marketing to those who don’t care

In Depth with DFT Tip #10

We posted this tip, awesome artwork done by Lia Rothschild, last week, and it sparked a little conversation.

Our good friend and avid Swift Kick follower, Amera, commented and asked, “But how you market?” She was wondering if maybe we meant ‘quality over quantity.’ She’s right to an extent. But then Tom commented and went deeper into the meaning. Check out what he said:

The 60-84% of “meh” students on your campus don’t see your marketing regardless. So step 1 is to get them to pay attention..then you can market…but even then, the person you dragged you to the center of the dance floor was your best friend…same is true for events, get out there and build relationships and then verbally tell them to show up to the events.

The truth is, “meh students” or students who aren’t super interested in getting involved, aren’t going to look at the posters hanging in the student center. Why would they? To truly get a student from “meh to hmm,” you need to bring the message TO them and make it personal. Getting to know a student first and striking up a recurring conversation will cause them to trust your judgement and feel invested in what you want to get them involved in. They know you care about THEM and not just the number of heads at your event.

Wouldn’t you be more likely to go to an event your friend is hosting, rather than just a random one you saw posted on a wall?

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