Love All Ways – An End of the Year Reflection

As I walked by the sign, I read the words, processed it, but it took about ten steps (NYC steps, so 0.7 seconds) to interpret it. Love All Ways. Not a misspelling. Two directives that mean so much.

While walking down 57th Street to get to the bootcamp class I teach, what I expected to be graffiti was a message for all those who passed by it. It was to Love All Ways. Or was it to Love Always? On my way back from class, I took a picture (and made it my cover photo of Facebook) because it’s a reminder we don’t get enough. In the hustle and bustle of NYC life, we tend to forget the basics. We schedule too much and plan too little. We give more than we can and don’t know how to ask for help.

This year will undoubtedly go down in history as a rough one. From the sudden deaths of significant musicians and public figures, to the unfortunate violence we have seen here in the US and across the world. And, well, politics. That’s not even mentioning what went on in our personal lives this year. No matter your race, creed, sexuality, language, culture, religion, location, the first thing we have in common is suffering. And I hope the second is love.

It is my genuine hope that everyone in this world experience love. Because love is in all of us and it is our duty as humans to share it. When the things you cannot control seem to take over your world, re-center in love.

So, in this holiday season (there are dozens of religious/spiritual holidays in December), maybe that’s the key. Maybe it’s not about spending money you don’t have on gifts. Maybe it’s not about Santa or dreidels or eggnog or anything else that represents this time of year. It’s about us and how we feel our way through our time on this earth.

Love yourself.
Love your food.
Love your pet.
Love being alone.
Love fresh air.
Love being alive.
Love the noise.
Love being in silence.
For it is in that love, we find peace.

Love Always. Love All Ways. Besides, life is more fun that way!

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