How too many mixed up hands can produce a successful event

How too many mixed up hands can produce a successful event

This post was written by a student we worked with. Andi is a current student leader at the university of New Jersey City.  Andi’s area of focus is in Biology and is president of the Chemistry Club.

Being the President of the Chemistry Club at New Jersey City University, I happened to notice that the events that make the most connection on the campus are the ones that make students walk around or be on their feet.  In order to ensure these types of events occur, I also noticed that the event has to have someone with great energy to get the events started.  Plus, it is important that the event is not only fun but also applicable to the college environment, educational, and makes all individuals get involved.

An example of an interactive event like this that I have attended that can be referred to as an exceptional “dance floor” event  is called the Human Knot.  During our retreats for SGO, we always try to play the Human Knot.  This game consists of a group of people who link their hands to other people’s hands and everyone ends up being “knotted up” among the other people on in the group. I find this game super fun and interactive because the people playing this game must use communicate to solve and understand how to get out of the knotted circle of hands.

If you wanted to create an interactive event that was similar to the Human Knot, my advice would be to make sure that the person creating the event is comfortable and happy with the event they have created.  They should not experience discomfort and awkwardness when they are in front of a crowd. Another piece of advice for making an interactive event a successful one is to make the event so awesome that even you, the creator, end up having fun with the people at your event.

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