WARNING: There are a lot of gifs ahead 🙂
Tired of the same old programming?
You don’t think a bake sale is going to grab the audience you’re looking for?
Feel like you’re watching an infomercial?
It can be difficult to come up with creative and unique programming for whatever audience you’re aiming to engage. As an RA, I know I struggle to think of new programming for each year of students. It’s easy to fall into the same routines and programs I know “work”.
Well, that’s not always the case.
How many of these do you too often rely on to engage students on our campus?:
Pizza Programming
Diversity Cupcakes
Movie Nights
We find ourselves in new communities and new environments that require more effort than the typical ice cream social, complete with name games and ice breakers. For new student life programmers, this can certainly be a daunting task. You might find yourself at a completely new institution, different than anything you’ve ever experienced before.
The trick to breaking the cycle of pizza and cupcakes is to commit to unlocking your team’s creative genius. There are many ways you can become amazing at brainstorming, and build creativity into your daily life. If you focus on that, you will be coming up with new ideas to bring your organization to the next level of engagement.
On September 28th, join Swift Kick for an online training on how to stop hearing the same ideas over and over and over….and start building knock-out events and fundraisers from scratch.