Q&A With A Graduate Building Director

Throughout my college career, I have met several people who have inspired me. One person in particular is Casey Steiner. I met Casey two years ago when she entered my life as my boss. Now that I graduated, I am so happy to say that Casey is one of my closest friends. She is someone that has been there for me through the past two years, and still is. She is an amazing individual and a fantastic Building Director. I thought it would be awesome to do a Q&A with her to share with you, the student leaders, how she manages her life and job all in one. 🙂


Hello world! My name is Casey Steiner.

I am a graduate resident director at Kutztown University, completing my final year in the student affairs master program! This fall, I am beginning my seventh year at Kutztown University, so one could say KU has become my home away from home. Not only have I met some of my lifelong friends at this beautiful institution, I have discovered who I am as well. My college journey has been nothing but rewarding through success and failures. I have learned that even during rough times, there is always a positive learning experience in every situation.

During my undergraduate career I was involved with residence life, recreation services, student athlete advisory committee, and I was a member of the KU cheer team. In May 2014 I graduated with a B.S. in Leisure and Sports Studies. Upon completing my degree, I felt as though my time at KU was not complete and was given the opportunity to work as a resident director, which I accepted. Throughout my journey I have met many incredible professionals, student staff members, and residents that have taught me numerous skills to become a better professional post-graduation. I have also had internship experiences in the Office of Student Leadership Development at Lehigh University and The Office of Student Involvement and Leadership at Albright College. Through all of my experiences in the Student Affairs field, I have made many connections, friendships, and learned so much from each individual I have come in contact with.


Who has been your rock throughout your college career and how?

1475775_10201671458081264_1338997509_n My three rocks throughout my college experience are my mom, dad, and Amanda Fretz. Both of my parents let me know each day how proud they are of me and how much they love me. I know that without their endless support and encouragement, I would not be where I am today. They have given me such confidence in myself. I11077223_10101063406277357_3193408895953017222_n am forever grateful for all that they have done and sacrificed for my success and future. My third rock is Amanda Fretz, former supervisor and one of my best friends. Amanda has pushed and supported me through some of my hardest times during my college career. She saw my worth and potential even when I could not. I would not be in the graduate program today if it was not for her endless love and support. THANK YOU MOM, DAD, AND MANDY!

If you could be any part of a bicycle, what part would you be and why?

I would be the frame of the wheel. The frame is strong, sturdy, and keeps turning over any surface. I think that is important to persevere, be strong and sturdy in your beliefs and always keep moving no matter what surface or situation you come across.

What is your biggest irrational fear?

My biggest irrational fear is spiders. Completely irrelevant to this topic, but I once crashed my car into a ditch because a spider fell onto my seat. Everyone in the car was fine, but, the actual car… not so much!

What is the funniest moment you experienced as a Building Director?

All the pranks my student staff has played on me. I scare really easily.

As a Building Director, what accomplishments are you most proud of?

Watching my student staff graduate and become successful. Also, watching the transformation of my freshman residents from the beginning of the year to the end.

When you try to explain your job, what do people actually think you do?

They first think I am an RA. Then I go into more details of my day to day responsibilities – sometimes they get it, other times they don’t.

What would be some academic tips you would like to share for students?

Make sure you read your class material!

What are your favorite Campus Traditions and why?

Homecoming and BEARfest! With homecoming, it is always fun to see alumni come back and participate in the spirit and energy of the college. I also love BEARfest because it is planned and implemented with such dedication and passion for the long standing tradition it holds. It is an amazing experience to be involved in.

If you could give any advice to your students, what would it be?

Be open-minded and put yourself out there. You can learn something from everyone you meet and you will learn a lot about yourself through various experiences!


I want to thank Casey for all of the insight she has shared with us. She is an amazing and dedicated individual. She is the kind of person that deserves recognition because she never asks for it and because she is a role model of mine and someone that I look up to every day. If you are ever in Kutztown, I suggest meeting her. Until next time, Have an amazing day!

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