5 Reasons to Apply for the RA Position

I will never forget my RA days. Housing in general was probably the best experience I could ever ask for. Working so close with other RA’s and residents, you tend to create a family. The RA position is more than just a job. It is an opportunity where you benefit from so much around the campus. Listed below are the top 5 reasons why I believe the RA position is so amazing.

1. You get to be a mentorwell-miss-you-lauren-1

As an RA, you have the opportunity to be a mentor to so many individuals. As a mentor, you are able to:

  • create friendships
  • have students that lookup to you
  • interact with students on a daily basis
  • be the first (and sometimes only) resource to students
  • act as a brother or sister to those around you
  • help others academically or socially
  • be able to make long-lasting connections with residents, and you have the opportunity to watch them learn and grow.

2. Involvement

Involvement on a campus is extremely important. The more involved you, are, the more opportunities arise. As an RA, you are able to:

  • attend certain conferences around your school and sometimes beyond
  • have the opportunity to join organizations and take leadership roles within them
  • have the opportunity to bond and socialize with the staff that you are a part of
  • be able to interact with new people all the time.

Getting involved is an opportunity to show your campus and residents who you are and what you are capable of.

3. Leadership skills

Leadership skills are extremely important, especially if you want to succeed in the future. Being a good leader is something that companies and potential jobs look for. Everyone wants good leaders on their teams. The RA position helps you with this by;

  • being a resource to others
  • creating the environment on your floor
  • being social
  • being a good leader not only within your position but on the campus as well
  • having hands-on leadership experience through your position
  • gaining important communication skills.

4. Life Skills

The RA position helps those who obtain it with amazing life skills. Some include;

  • learning how to work in a team setting
  • learning how to create programming
  • responsibility, time management, opportunity for personal growth,
  • creativity with door decs, bulletin boards
  • learning how to step out of your comfort zone
  • responding to situations that help you grow as an individual. As an RA, you are the first responder to most situations. You are the one who sets the mood.

5. Life Changers

Lastly, but definitely not least, you are life changers. The RA position is a unique and amazing experience. You are the person that impacts so many lives. You can be the best, or worst RA. I am hoping for the best. I know from experience that the residents you have, or will have, are the ones that will look up to you no matter what. Even to those residents who hid in their room or do not speak much, you are the one they look up to. You are the one that will make a difference in their life.

The final question/challenge is: Are you ready to go out and impact so many lives? Yes or Yes?

Until next time, have a great day!

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