4 Things To Do If Resolutions Aren’t Your Thing

If resolutions aren’t your thing, there is hope for you yet! Every new year, the internet seems to be filled with ways to “keep your new year’s resolution” or how to “create a resolution you’ll stick to,” but where are those articles 8 months later, when I have given up?!

So I stopped making promises to myself that I would feel bad about breaking my resolution by January 20th. Restarting in February doesn’t help and by the time May comes around, there’s a good chance I won’t remember what my resolution was to begin with.

Instead, I need things to put me in a state of mind to do good, be good and feel good all year round. There are bumps along the road, but such is life. But if resolutions aren’t your thing, here are some ideas to still create and meet goals this year, while improving your self-esteem and the world while having a little fun along the way!

1. Pick a Word of the Year

This word can be a reminder in the back of your head that helps you focus on your goals. For example, one year, my word was REACH. When people invited me to try new things, I would remember this word and go for it!

2. Pick a Word of the Month

Why limit yourself to one word all year?! Plan your year out with a different word to represent each month. Maybe something like January = Read (as many books as you can), February = Move (exercise) March = Remember (create those scrapbooks you’ve been meaning to get to). Not only can you check things off the to-do list, but you also have an entire month to dive in to each topic.

3. Do one new thing each month

Have a bucket list? Start checking things off the list. If some of your items are big ticket experiences, spread them out over the year with little things mixed in. Build up to scuba diving in Australia in October by walking the Brooklyn Bridge, getting a Pen Pal, naming a star after yourself…

4. Start a bucket list

It’s only a wish until you write it down! Start taking notes about things you would like to do and see. It’s just a list…for now. 😉

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