[Video] Team Creativity: Unlocking Your Team’s Creative Genius

team creativity“I made an Elsa cake. There’s no need for that.”

-Marisol Bazile

Is there anything more creative than making an Elsa birthday cake? Nope, there isn’t. Which is why the Swift Kickin’ It Show brought Marisol on for Episode Two to chat about unlocking team creativity.

This episode of SKTV is for team leaders who hate to do things “because they’ve always been done that way” and wish their team would think outside the box more often. We chat with NYIT’s Associate Director of Student Involvement and Inclusion, Marisol Bazile, about defining and building team creativity. Plug in to our show to arm yourself with great tips and lots of laughs.

Checkity-check it out!

Swift Kickin’ It Show – Season 1; Episode 2 – Team Creativity: Unlocking Your Team’s Creative Genius

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