The Ideal Ice Breakers for New Members

No, not that kind! [Image from]
Last night I was facilitating a meeting for a group of business owners who recently joined an entrepreneur’s organization here in NYC. Since they were all new members, we did several activities to connect them together and find common bonds because, as we say in Dance Floor Theory, the more relationships there are on a dance floor, the more engaging the dance. Here’s an outline of the two activities we did:
If You Knew This About Me
Set a timer to 10 minutes and keep going around the table, having each person share something about themselves that helps the group better understand who they are. Label each round as being Surface Level, Medium Level and Deep Level to push people to share at a deeper level each round.
The Three Influencers
Have each person write down three people who have had the biggest influence on their life and why. Then go around the table and have each person share for a few minutes.

While there are thousands of ice breaking activities one could do, I particularly like these two activities because they push people to share a lot of values and facts about themselves for others to pick up on and relate to. The more connections I can make between the members, the stronger the bonds are going to be and ultimately the chance of each person coming back for the second meeting will be higher.


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