Here at Swift Kick, August is our busy season. It is such a crazy time that even the word “August” brings chills up our spines and butterflies in our stomachs. Tom and Melissa are out speaking while Sabina, Jay and I are running the show behind the scenes. Think Wizard of Oz…but with less flying monkeys.
“It’s not the load that breaks you down, it’s how you carry it.”
– Lou Holtz
We all know that feeling of looking at a to-do list that is a mile long and instead of chipping away at it, we take a nap. Well, not in August…
Here are some helpful hints to manage your time through your busiest times of the year:

- Make a daily to-do list: put the things that you are dreading at the top of the list and get them done as soon as you get to work. Procrastination kills productivity, and the longer you put off that terrible task the worst it will get.
- Learn to say NO: when planning our travel, sometimes it is tempting to say yes to an opportunity, but sometimes it’s simply not possible. Instead of saying yes and stressing, so no. The transparency with your team or clients will pay off in the end.
- Take time for yourself during the day: go out for a walk to get your lunch, breathe in some fresh air, and change your state of being. You can only be productive for so long without losing your mind. Listen to your body and take care of yourself. As the kids say, “TREAT YO’ SELF!”
- Stay hydrated: Proper hydration positively impacts your productivity. Studies have shown that proper hydration also promotes overall health, even your cognitive function. (Is that why they call it Smart Water? Hmm.)
- Don’t strive for perfection, because perfect does not exist. According to the Harvard Business Review, young people are holding themselves to excessive standards and engaging in self-punishment that results in poor psychological health. These irrational ideals “manifest in unrealistic expectations for academic and professional achievement, how they should look, and what they should own.
Whether your busy season is August or April, I hope these tips and tricks help make your busy season a success!