4 Tips for Getting Involved on Campus

When I was at Kutztown, I got involved in quite a few things. I was the Vice President of Residents Hall Association, An executive board member of Hall Council, spoke at a student panel for prospective students, was a Community Assistant, a Student Government board representative, was part of the Food Advisory Board, and a Desk Receptionist. Because of this involvement:

  • 10606176_10153060238483056_7532366514137483698_nI attended and presented at CAACURH and two KU leadership conferences
  • Was a part of the Bloomsburg clean up
  • Was nominated and won the leadership achievement award
  • Won Desk Receptionist of the year award
  • Won the first year hall council member of the year award.

If I wasn’t involved, none of this would have happened, especially my internship here at Swift Kick.

Involvement around your community can take you a long way and maybe help you land a job one day. Here are a few tips for getting involved:

Find clubs that match your interests8938_10153274986298056_3606663915110157087_n

Go to one of the meetings and see if it is a fit for you. Just because you went to one meeting does not mean you have committed yourself to this club. It means you are exploring your options of involvement.

Introduce yourself

It’s a great thing to meet new people who share your interests. Ask them why they joined. Get to know what the club is about and if it fits your expectations and wants.

Take a friend

It is always nice to go to places with a buddy. See if you have similar interests in the different places you seek out.

Have fun

When going around to different clubs, enjoy yourself! If you find that it is boring, then it is probably not right for you.

With involvement comes great opportunities. My challenge to you is to go out and get involved. Please do not stress yourself out. Find where you fit in and are most comfortable.

Until next time, Have a great day!11949317_10154099088183056_5430839852852418062_n 13076611_10154756575283056_4944004732056950680_n 11037464_10154168347013056_3623984647892212454_n

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