Want to Change the World? There’s Nothing to It!

Photo from www.mirror.co.uk

If you want to view paradise,
Simply look around and view it.
Anything you want to, do it.
Want to change the world?
There’s nothing to it.

Student leaders change the world every day. It’s the little actions that determine if students feel welcomed, connected and engaged on their campus. To honor the loss of Gene Wilder, we are commemorating his most notorious role!

Being a student leader is like having a golden ticket!

You have hit the jackpot. As a student leader, you have put yourself closer to the center of the dance floor. To be closer to the action of your campus, you are thought of first for available resources and opportunities. AND, you can, in turn, influence other students on your dance floor to do the same. #TeamHuman

Looking back, what you accomplish can “defy explanation.”

Have you ever worked on a big project, looked back and smiled because you did it? You may not be sure how, but upon reflection, with teamwork, dedication and creativity, you see your imagined outcome come to life. Willy Wonka’s mission was to make his imagination come to life, and you can too. Before you know it, your dance floor will be full of Charlies and Grandpa Joes!

You learn Oompa Loompa lessons all the time!

In each song the Oompa Loompa sing, there is a lesson about being a better person, a better student leader. There will be stress as you learn to balance your responsibilities, work with people who have a different work ethic and learn what works and what doesn’t in your group. Each “riddle” will make you more prepared to create more relationships on your dance floor!

Oompa Loompa, doompety doo,
If you are wise, you will remember DFT!

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