When entering college, I knew I wanted to make an impact. I did not know what I would do, but I knew it would happen one way or another. During the past 5 years at Kutztown University, I became known as the girl who smiles a lot and yells people’s names way to loud, a lobby rat, and a weirdo. I loved these titles. They made me who I am today. These titles helped me succeed in college and left an impact on others’ lives. Just a few weeks ago, one of my residents messaged me saying they missed my weird comments and unique personality all the time. This made me happy knowing I left a great impression on others. I then sent them a quick Snapchat yelling their name to make their day better. 🙂Everyone can be a little weird,that's why we have trees

Just a few days ago, I was talking with one of my buddies and randomly asked him,

“What is normal”?

His response right away was, “definitely not you…”

“Yea, thanks, I already knew that! But seriously, I know for a fact that I am weird, and I already know that you are weird; so, what is it to be a normal person”? He told me he didn’t have an answer for me; only that everyone is weird, if they think they are not, then they are hiding something or hanging out with really boring people.

This statement was so true. If you think about it, in our society today, it’s normal to be weird!

What does it mean to be normal?

Do we even know what the actual definition of normal is? When googling the definition, the answer I read was, normal means “conforming to a standard; usual, typical, or expected”. Who wants to be “usual, typical, or expected”? I know I certainly do not! Being weird is what makes us unique and different. It is what helps us stand out to the world.

Being weird makes our community what it is: fun, exciting, different, unique, clever.

If we were normal how would we succeed?

Growing up, we were taught to be more on the normal side, so we would not be judged. Some of us were told to be more normal because we embarrassed others. Well, for most of us, normal isn’t working; who cares if we are embarrassing? Normal is boring and it is holding us back.

I challenge EVERYONE to step up and show their weirdness to the world.

Step out of your comfort zone and go hug a stranger!Go up to a stranger and ask how they are;

Find out if this person wants a free hug or compliment;

Do the happy dance!

Be random and have fun.

Yes, people might think you are weird, but that’s why this is a challenge. If you want, challenge a friend. See who can be more weird. Make it a goal to do something that another individual with think is a little weird. I’m not saying go lick the sidewalk or stare deeply into another person’s soul; I’m asking you to Step out of your comfort zone and express yourself! Be you and be unique. Everyone has it in them, it’s up to you to show it.

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