Welcoming the K-Team – Kevin & Kathryn Join Swift Kick

Ahhh, it’s that time of year again, new interns join our team, which means 2 new friends in 2015!

kathryn callahanFirst up is Kathryn Callahan. 

A southern belle at heart, Kate has made New York her home since coming to Fordham University almost three years ago. As an active member and leader in the Fordham community, Kate has fallen in love with the fast pace and endless opportunities New York presents, but appreciates it for the many lifelong friendships and connections she has made. Scandal, T25, and being a Fordham Ambassador are a large part of Kate’s life, and she looks forward to making Swift Kick part of it, too.

Next up, we have Kevin Wright, who has already been an awesome member of the Student Leader Collective for a while!

featureKevin hails from Las Vegas, Nevada and currently resides in Portland, Oregon where he is studying Student Affairs Administration at Lewis and Clark College.  As an aspiring college President, Kevin hopes to fight for more accessibility and affordability for students wanting to pursue a higher education.  He recently graduated from Northern Arizona University where he studied Business Communications with a minor in Sociology.  Kevin also enjoys writing, networking, and listening to various genres of music in his spare time.  Feel free to connect with him on Twitter, Facebook, or Linkedin.

Next week we will embark on our first 2015 Quarterly Strategy retreat! The whole team can’t wait to meet Kathryn and Kevin and get down to making awesome happen.

Happy New Year!

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