Why we are grateful for you!

Every day, the Swift Kick team gets together at 10:10 a.m. to discuss what projects we are working on. At the end of this meeting, we close it with “5 things you are grateful for, IN YOUR LIFE!” This is one of my personal favorite sections because I am able to reflect on the positive events going on in my life. I asked the team to tell me “5 things they are grateful for with our community”.

Here are 5 things we are grateful for in our community:


I appreciate our community because:

1) They make me laugh

2) They challenge my assumptions

3) They support me on a lot more than just work related stuff

4) They care

5) I consider many of them friends


1) The fun personalities of the people

2) The stories we encounter

3) The opportunity to make fun videos

4) The opportunity to reflect on culture building

5) The diverse experiences we get to  have working with different schools


1) Creating new relationships with advisors and students

2) Inspiring new ways for people to get to know each other

3) Keeping up with the community on social media

4) Hearing ways students and professionals have used DFT on their campuses

5) HUGS!


1) The positive vibes everyone gives off at meetings and programs

2) The stories we get to hear from everyone we meet

3) The support

4) The fact that they all consider us a part of their family

5) Being able to put smiles on their faces 🙂


1) The support we all share

2) My intern soulmate

3) Being able to learn from Tom

4) The different opportunities and initiatives I can get involved in and with

5) Having fun while learning so much


My challenge to you is to write down “5 things you are grateful for in your life” every day. It only takes about 30 seconds. It is a fun and positive challenge that will make you smile!

Until next time, have a great day!

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