Yes, You Can Have Positive Experiences with School Administration

You Can Have Positive Experiences with School Administration

Imagine how they feel having to tell you that…As the school year fast approaches, many of you student leaders are probably already working with the administrators and student affairs people at your college to get programs and projects running. Anyone who has ever been a student leader knows that it can be frustrating trying to get anything approved (especially for private institutions) or moving quickly (because bureaucracy is inevitably the opposite of quick). It is easy to succumb to the attitude of blaming the administrators for all your problems.

That’s why this article is a refreshing find. It highlights the fact that student affairs professionals are dealing with their own frustrations too. They want to help students change things for the better, but they have a lot of hoops to jump through themselves. As a student, it is difficult to see why an administrator makes the decisions they do, but that is because students may not have all the information either.

Check out this article from to see some good tips for making the student-administrator relationship successful, written by one of their summer interns.

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