5 Solutions for When Your Team Has NO Energy (and Therefore No Productivity)

team's energy

You look around the room and nobody is sitting up straight. Half your team is staring at their phones, the other half is joking with each other about how tired, stressed, or “done” they are. What happened to your hard-hitting, kick-butt team? Hint: They are human. Which means that sometimes, the energy is going to sink low, and the motivation will fly out the window. Your team’s energy might drop around big holidays (who wants to work the day before Thanksgiving?). Or maybe when the weather is crappy. Or even when the weather is gorgeous and everyone is thinking, why am I in here?!

Chances are, you and the folks around you are usually awesome at your jobs. When you see them start to droop, try these simple ideas before you blame their work ethic.

Pink slips!

No, no, not that kind. Don’t fire your team, INSPIRE them! When we sat down with our friend Joe Apfelbaum on the first episode of the Swift Kickin’ It Shows, he told us about a unique way he brings the energy back. Instead of using the term “pink slips” to mean what it usually means, in his office, they yell PINK SLIPS and one person hands slips to everyone on the team. These pieces of paper have a moment from that week where the person acted out a core value of the business.

How does this bring back your team’s energy?

Everyone stops what they are doing to focus on something positive.

Each member feels valued for a time that they did something right.

It’s silly and fun and reminds everyone of the team culture.

Water Reminders

Our friend Joe also shared another office habit – throughout the day, he reminds his team to make sure they are drinking water consistently.

Do you know how important it is for you to stay hydrated? According to Curiosity, when you are dehydrated “you might start to get a headache or feel irritable, tired, tense, or dizzy. Tasks become harder, and it’s more difficult to concentrate.”

Make a pact with your team to drink more water, install a water cooler, or buy everyone Camelbaks (team logo encouraged!)

How does this bring back your team’s energy?

Feeling dehydrated literally drains your energy and well-being.

Drinking more means, er, having to take care of business more. And those forced breaks walking to the bathroom are great for your body to stay active, and your mind and eyes to get a break from the screen.

Sharing in a team wellness goal is a great way to bond.

Your team will feel valued when everyone takes time to check on each other.

Turn on the lights!

A study found that learning, memory, and even spatial abilities decrease when the subject spends a lot of time in dim lighting. Turns out, we need a brightly-lit environment for our brain to work well when it comes to making connections.

So take a look around the space your team spends their time working – are you in a dark corner? Turn on the lights! Get light bulbs that make you feel awake and alive, not ready to curl up and take a nap.

How does this bring back your team’s energy?

When your brain can work at its highest capacity, you’ll feel like tasks are easier to do, which makes them seem a lot less daunting.

The environment has everything to do with how you feel. And how you feel has everything to do with how you work.

Team Lunch Breaks (Outside!)

Often, the second the weather warms up, Melissa and I run out of the office as fast as we can and eat our lunch while soaking up the sun. Both of us are Vitamin D deficient (you probably are too), and both of us get SUPER SAD when there’s no sunlight.

Institute weekly lunch breaks with your team, and go outside, or at least to a different room.

How does this bring back your team’s energy?

Taking a lunch break makes you more productive than if you skip lunch or eat at your desk.

Your team will become better friends and therefore work together better.

Your team will get the message that their health and well-being is important.

Everyone will look forward to the mandatory fun.

Do something personal for each other

Noticing someone is low on energy is the first step. The next step is connecting with them on a personal level to bring it back. Take this RA, for example, who read a bedtime story to one of his residents on his birthday. The student said that this interaction was so meaningful to him, in ways nobody could have guessed.

Team members owe it to each other to take care of one another. Buy them their favorite chocolate on a boring day. Suggest a walk for your next meeting. Ask them what music they listen to while they work. Share an article to help them in their life or their job.

How does this bring back your team’s energy?

Feeling cared about, and caring for someone, is a huge source of motivation.

Surprises spark joy.

I could go on forever with other suggestions, but let’s stop here for today. What do you do when your team seems a little pooped out? Let us know in the comments, or on social @SwiftKickHQ.

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