Can I Quote You On That? – Introducing a Quotes Board to your Team

“Nobody ever calls me!” – Tom

“Do you want me to call you sometimes?” – Sabina

 “No, I’m good, I’ll talk to my cats.” – Tom

Today it hit me that something we do over at Swift Kick HQ is a GREAT team building activity that we should share with the world. Throughout the week, the Swift Kick team says about 1.4 million ridiculous and hilarious things. We have been keeping a running tab of all these statements, out of context, on our quotes board.

The quotes board absolutely brings us closer to the team, especially because each quarter we start it again on day 1 of the retreat, and even brand new interns become part of the list. If you say something silly, you are not safe from documentation. 🙂

A couple more reasons quotes boards are so great at building cohesive teams:

  • They allow silliness. We celebrate laughter and the ability to be yourself, together. At Swift Kick, we know that taking yourself too seriously stifles creativity.
  • They create traditions. Every time we have a team lunch to say goodbye to an intern, we like to read some of the quotes that happened during their time with us. We also do this during quarterly retreats. It’s a great break to a long day and relieves stress.
  • They build friendships within the team. How can you not feel amazing about the people around you if you are all uncontrollably giggling at the same thing?

I have seen quotes boards in apartments in res halls and in offices. They always point to a tight community. So create a shared document, or tape a HUGE piece of paper to the wall, and let the laughter begin!

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