No matter what it is that brought you to your current community: passion, interest, language, love, friends or simply a whim, you are part of something special. What does your
C-O-M-M-U-N-I-T-Y stand for?

Connection to each other and the larger community

If you think about it, every group and relationship you are a part of is a community within a community. It’s important to be connected to your smaller group, but also to the larger group around you. There are opportunities for support, inspiration and collaboration just waiting to be tapped into.

Open to new ideas and experiences

Everyone in your community has a set of experiences that separates them from everyone else. Someone may be an avid skydiver and wants to do 100 jumps in their lifetime, while another may be a member of 4 different book clubs in an effort to learn as much as they can. Whatever the life experience, having something in common with someone else or teaching someone a new skill, deepens the connection.

Makes sacrifices

Effective groups know that the world isn’t perfect. You can’t plan for every possible outcome. Knowing when and how to compromise are valuable skills in a community.


It’s not all about you. People are members of groups because it feels good to have people you can rely on, learn from and have fun with. If the direction of your group shifts from community goals to individualistic goals, the community will suffer. Make sure your decisions are driven by the good of the many, not just the few.


Life happens. Sometimes, without any warning, family members pass away, get sick or hurt. It is in those times members need support the most. Rather than waiting for that person to pull their weight or alienating them for being busy, a community supports them by offering to take on some of their work. The community can still thrive even when a link is temporarily weakened.

Never judges

You are who you are and no one can change that. You came to the community because you saw value aligning yourself with those who have the same interest or goal. As more of your personality, thoughts and perspectives come to view, your community should accept you and begin to learn from and with you.

Initiates joy

Ever notice how much smiling and laughing you do when you’re with people that are fun? This isn’t by accident. Naturally, we look for people who are like us. It is warming to find similar things funny, to walk in silence and be perfectly content. Thinking of members of your team and good times you have shared should bring a smile to your face!

Takes time to celebrate little wins

Whether in meetings, at events, or to superiors, acknowledging little wins helps the team stay motivated to complete projects. Recognizing team members for their contributions builds rapport, strengthens bonds and spreads smiles! So the next time you sell $1,000 in tickets, celebrate! When you all get a 3.0 or higher GPA for the term, celebrate!

You make the difference

Community doesn’t happen by itself. It takes work: communication, openness, flexibility and persistence. If each individual contributes as best as they can, stays positive and grows individually as well as with the group, success can’t help but follow.

Define your C-O-M-M-U-N-I-T-Y and let us know what it stands for in the comments below!

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