21 Tips that will CHANGE your COLLEGE LIFE!

It’s a rainy but exciting day! It’s official; I am finally here. As my parents and I are unloading the car that holds of all my belongings, I am looking around at the place that I will call home for the next 5 years. I know this experience will definitely be worth it, even if I have to refinance student loans in the years to come! I walk through the front doors of Berks Hall where I am greeted by several Desk Receptionists and Community Assistants. I check in and receive my key and “welcome to KU packet”41wHH2GOsuL._SX331_BO1,204,203,200_. I am sweating, but who cares! I made it! I am officially a college student. What else do I need?! This was me five years ago. I stepped onto the land of Kutztown and couldn’t wait to see what the college life had in store for me. What’s one thing I wish I had? Tips for college*. Nowadays you can even get writing help with term papers online. My brother went to college, but we are completely different! He is introverted and I am extremely extroverted. I’m the kind of person that goes up to a stranger and introduces myself just because I can. I love saying hi to people and make as many new friends as possible. One thing I didn’t do so well: organization and time management. I was so into making new friends and meeting new people that I pushed off my assignments and readings. I never handed anything in late, but I procrastinated … big time. I wish I had the #21tipsbook that was published this past year, before I started my internship. I read it recently and realized how helpful it is. This book helps you manage your fun time and study time. It gives you pointers on how to do things around college. It helps you step in the right direction without pushing too hard. Here is the description. And let me tell you, it is spot on:

This book is for incoming and first year college students who are ready to make the most of their college experience, beyond what you might hear at at orientation. This book is a combination of the super 21 tips booksecret insider tips to college that either us authors learned themselves, or they kept hearing from their campus leadership programs. From classroom seating tips, to self-care techniques, to scoring the perfect campus job, this book is your insider’s guide to college success that most likely won’t be told to you at orientation. You’ll notice that the size, layout, and interactive sections of the book are all designed to make this book be your ultimate college field-guide that you can squeeze into a backpack or coat pocket. Read straight through, or thumb to a topic that’s most relevant to you. College can be one of the most exciting times in your life and with our field guide in hand, you’re already well on your way to going from first-year student to first year success!

SO… Now that school is starting, or you’re already a week in, I highly recommend getting this book for yourself or a family member. It is helpful not only for your academic life, but for your social life as well. Be like my good friend Sabina over here and go out and make a difference in the world. Be a fun and memorable person while still getting an A+! Until next time, have a great day 🙂

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