Wedding Planning Taught Me that Humans Need Humans

Okay so I still haven’t gotten a dress and oh crap flowers are expensive and how can I possibly find dresses for my bridesmaids when they don’t even live nearby and what about my hair???? WEDDING PLANNING IS HARD!!!!!!!!!!

This was the mental dialogue happening inside my head last week, as I realized my wedding to-do list from The Knot wasn’t getting any smaller, just longer. I was starting to panic, as I realized that with the turn of 2017, I was now in my wedding year. When you’re nine months away from the biggest day of your life, you start to get nervous.

So, I did what any wedding-planning, color-coding, list-loving, team-leader person would do. I took a look at everything I needed to get done that was scaring me. Then I realized that I had just asked my closest friends and little sister to be in my wedding party. DUH, I had a whole #TeamBride waiting to help me not freak out.

I went to the GroupMe messages of all my bridesmaids and asked who could take charge of finding bridesmaid dresses, and who could take on hair. Two of them volunteered, one for each role. I immediately felt better.

Knowing I had a team behind me made me calmer for a few reasons.

Delegation is KEY!

My time at Swift Kick has taught me the importance of delegation. If I tried to take full responsibility of planning an entire wedding, I would explode from all the loose ends. Knowing that there was a person to go to when it was time to talk about each aspect made me feel like I was sharing the burden. It helps when you know you aren’t the only one thinking about how to get things done. Multiple brains are better than one. For example, a friend sorted out the tablecloth rental houston. This was something I had completely forgotten about!!

#TeamBride has a purpose.

Realizing that my bridesmaids were there to help me get everything done made me feel like I was part of a team. These women are my closest confidantes, so remembering to trust them to ease my stress was crucial. It makes us closer as friends and sisters to work towards a shared goal.

They are all pretty amazing.

Asking them for help gave the ladies a chance to remind me that they had my back. They all echoed the same sentiment:

Sabina, you worry about your wedding dress, we will take care of the rest. We are here for you.

It’s amazing what a calming effect that statement has on me!

Last week, I learned why the heck we even bother to have a wedding party. They are there to support me in my wedding planning. Instead of forgetting the real reason I am planning a wedding, my bridesmaids share my to-do list, so I can focus on the real meaning of the day.

If your happy day is coming upon you, you will want everything to be perfect. The perfect day means the perfect dress. Winnie Couture can handcraft a stunning wedding dress houston and, with their dresses adorning many celebrities on their special day, you know you’re in good hands. You will also want your guests to be happy and entertained. You could look at hiring a band on Headliner to perform at your event. There is a huge variety of acts including: DJs, motown bands, tribute bands and folksy scottish bands.

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