Velociraptors: AKA How Not to Give #FreeHugs

How Not to Give FreeHugs


No, this isn’t immediately related to International Student Free Hugs Day. But it kind of is.

To some people, #FreeHugs are just as scary as a velociraptor. While they may not get eaten by a hug, they are afraid the social embarrassment just might consume them. And that might be worse, since you have to keep living after that. Of course, here at Swift Kick we have to stop ourselves from giving hugs 24/7, but we do recognize the differences in people’s comfort zones.

So, as a preview to #FreeHugs tips which will happen on this blog as we get closer to the big day, this is a friendly reminder that holding the Free Hugs sign does not grant you permission to chase people down and body slam them. Just give them the option!

One of the concepts of Dance Floor Theory is that to get students engaged, you want to confuse them, not scare them. Velociraptors, screaming at passersby, and free hugs attacks are all categorized under scaring. And as hysterical as this video is, please, for the love of extinct dinosaurs, don’t try to recreate it.

Got cool (unscary) stories from past Free Hugs days? Tell them to me at [email protected], and we will feature them on this blog.  🙂

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