5 Tips for #FreeHugs Day

hug big bang

The big day is almost upon us!

That’s right, November 7th is almost here and all those pledged hugs will be made reality.

To get you in the spirit,  we wanted to share some really good tips with you on how to make the most of #FreeHugs Day.

  1. Location, Location, Location! Think student center or freshman quad. Is everyone stressed over tests? Try outside the library then. Ask yourself: where can I give the most hugs?
  2. No scaring allowed. Halloween is over. Do not force hugs or chase people with your #FreeHugs sign. That ruins the spirit of the day. We want to spread love and good vibes, not terror. Some people don’t want a hug, that’s ok.
  3. Hug in pairs! We have noticed it often works best when two or three people are standing in the same general area with #FreeHugs signs. Two people can’t both be crazy, right 😉
  4. Have alternatives ready. Some people aren’t huggers (we know, we are shocked too). There’s no harm in offering a high five to a reluctant passerby! The idea is to get them engaged and maybe make a new friend.
  5. Count those hugs! We want you to report your number of hugs back to us, so we can tally up ALL the hugs around the world on November 7th. Imagine if we could surpass the number of hugs pledged?

That’s it for now! Got more tips? Let us know.

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