Be Kind: Random Acts of Kindness Day Over at Student Leader Collective

Be Kind: Random Acts of Kindness Day Over at Student Leader Collective

The Student Leader Collective is a community of ours that we are very proud of. If you’re a student leader, you need to check it out!

On Monday, April 7, SLC will be hosting Random Acts of Kindness Day, aka #RAK14. Just like we did #FreeHugs last year, you can pledge to do random acts of kindness for that day, and then tweet at @SLcollective with the hashtag #RAK14 on the day to show us what awesome things you are doing to make other people’s day. Then, send in your number of RAKs through text or email, so we can see just how loved the world was that day. 🙂 Want to pledge? Click the link below!

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