Finding The Good, Even On a Bad Day

Yesterday I had a really bad day, from my car’s battery dying to getting the worst headache I have ever had. It was an extremely bad day.

However, thanks to a few individuals that demonstrated the core values of Swift Kick, I was saved from my miserable day.

My friend Ann came to my rescue by “seeing it through my eyes” when I told her my car’s battery died, and I needed help. Ann did not even hesitate; she met up with me right after my work day, and together we both figured out how to charge my car. While we were figuring out how to charge my car, Ann also demonstrated the Swift Kick core value of raising the tide because not only did she show up with her car to charge my dead car, but she also looked up videos of people charging a dead car’s battery. This little act of kindness was greatly appreciated and one of the first actions that started to rescue me from my bad day.

Later on, one of my close friends was able to just sit and listen to me vent about my bad day. By just being willing to hear me talk and let me know that she was there for me, this friend demonstrated the Swift Kick core value of “open doors open hearts”.

Finally, my parents also demonstrated the value of “see it through their eyes”. My parents truly saw it through my eyes because they noticed that I needed to relax even before I got a headache. When the headache did appear, they went above and beyond by getting me a cold drink of water and some medicine for my head.

My bad day did not beat me. Why? Thanks to the awesome individuals I have in my own community who demonstrated some of Swift Kick’s core values without even knowing it.

Here are some takeaways from my story that you can use to help make a bad day better:

1. Stop thinking about the negatives by remembering one action that someone did for you that made you feel slightly better.

2. Think about someone you talked to about your bad day and how you felt after you talked to the individual who was willing to listen.

3. Write out all the good parts of your day. Once you have read over this list, no matter how small each moment was, you will have beaten your bad day!

Here’s to hoping you are able to find the good parts of your day even when your day is miserable!

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