Finding the Good in Others- How I Found My Place

“Have you thought about applying to be an orientation leader?” was the unexpected question I received in an elevator from my RA. I quickly shook my head and shrugged it off. I was a timid first year in college and didn’t see how I could be an orientation leader. The RA, Oshane (pictured below), explained that he thought I had the qualities of an OL and tried again to convince me to apply.

Moving from Maine to the big city that year wasn’t an easy task. I found myself lost, confused and sad within the first few hours. All I wanted to do was go home to my beautiful state, where everyone was kind and everything was simple. In terms of Dance Floor Theory, I was a neutral.

But that’s not what college is about.

After denying Oshane’s offer, he physically handed me a copy of the application and asked me to fill it out. After reluctantly applying, he told me all the stories he had from his own OL experience and gave me advice for the interview process.

Lo and behold, I was accepted as an orientation leader and a first year mentor later in the year. This led to me also accepting the peer advisor position the following year. Through these positions, I became an involved student. I made connections with the staff and students at NYIT. I became a confident, passionate person. In just a few months, I had gone from a neutral to a 5. These positions made my first two years of college absolutely spectacular, and I owe it all to the lovely people at NYIT.

Here are some tips for getting the newbies involved:

  1. Remember that they’re probably freaked out. It’s all new: college, dorms, the people, so don’t push it too quickly.
  2. If they say no the first time, find another approach! Sometimes asking isn’t enough.
  3. Stick with the student, even after you see them getting involved. Sometimes they need a little extra support.

Don’t give up on the shy ones. Remember, everyone has potential!

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