Future Features Discussion

Features and Bugs

What would you like to see us prioritize?

We’ve got thousands of good ideas. Help us focus on what to do next.

Here are some options – focused around goals, rather than features.

1) Increase joining new groups.

Notes: This seems to be what the current software does best – get students connected with groups. We’re getting reports that it is doubling the number of students that get connected.

Example Idea: We could add email reminders and automate asks for new groups.

2) Improve integration with classes.

Notes: We’ve done some of this, mostly through FYE department. Cross department – from student activities to academics – collaboration is a huge win when it happens.

Example Idea: We could allow adding a #tag by text message so that students could join class groups on the fly.

Example Idea: Provide a live discussion platform for in class questions and back-channeling.

3) Build Out Content Feed Display

Notes: As blogging and twittering become more common (either because students pick them up or schools start to teach them) we will need a place for students to discover the feeds.  Feeds – student created content – would be useful both for student affairs and for academics. We currently export feeds, so a student can use Google reader or the
like.  This is definitely an extra step however, and every step we remove will increase usage.

Ideas: We could add a Facebook newsfeed like display of students and their content, filterable by major and eventually by tag.

If you’d like a quick reminder of our sketch up plan from a while back, check out this slide deck:


So what do you think? Please don’t feel restricted by my three points, feel free to add your own.
If you are not yet using Red Rover at your school, which of these directions would be most exciting to you?

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