How to Host a Willy Wonka Retreat for your Team

Can Oompa Loompas make your team stronger and better together? Heck yeah!

Another quarter, another overly thought-out and ridiculous retreat planned by Melissa and myself. Yesterday, the Swift Kick team enjoyed a day of hard work and play, all with a Chocolate Factory Twist. See how we pulled together our very own Willy Wonka retreat!

Step 1: Decorate the room with candy and Oompa Loompa’d team members.

Step 2: Hand each member a candy bar with a golden ticket when they arrive. Give them candy coloring pages and hand lettered candy notebooks as gifts.img_20160927_103814


Step 3: Re-write the Oompa Loompa song to transition to each activity during the day.

Oompa, Loompa, doom-pa-dee-dor
What will our theme be for Q4?
You will live in clarity too
Like the Oompa Loompa doom-pa-dee-do.
Oompa, Loompa, doom-pa-dee-do
I have another puzzle for you
Oompa, Loompa, doom-pa-da-dee

I was finally convinced I should sing the last one. Merp.

Step 4: Use skittles to give each member questions or dares, based on colored pieces of paper.


Tom got a yellow Skittle. He was dared to do an impression of someone on the team. He chose me….and did an accurate job.

Step 5: Sort good ideas and bad ideas during the actual work part with Golden or Rotten eggs.

Each member held one of these pictures up to show their opinion.

Step 6: Go to Max Brenner for dinner. Yum Chocolate.




Step 7: Take an improv class to celebrate the acting life of Gene Wilder.

The team, minus Sami, and our awesome improv teachers

Step 8: Be exhausted but happy.

The truth is, we got A LOT of work done. But we were able to have a blast and become a lot closer because we

  1. Have an efficient system for doing this quarterly work
  2. Had fun with the theme and each other.

A great team trusts each other in work and in play, and creativity is a GREAT way to make that balance happen.

If you decide to host a Willy Wonka retreat, send us pics and videos!

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