Did We Just Break a Hugging World Record?! #FreeHugs16 Half-Time

From the Mouths of Huggers! International Free Hugs Day Update

This year, Free Hugs Day has been extra special. We just watched, live on Facebook, Tom and our amazing Intern Jake each attempt to break a DIFFERENT hugging world record at the same time, in different places.

Check out the live feeds to find out if they did it…

Jake at Bridgewater State University -2000 hugs in one hour

So close – Jake and his team got 800 hugs in that hour. So so close. We are so proud of the energy and joy Jake brought to BSU. That was so much fun to watch!

Tom at College of DuPage – 80 hugs by one person in 1 minute

It looks like he did it! Tom broke a hugging world record!

The official verdict will be taken some time to be reviewed by the Guinness Book of World Records, but for now, GO TOM!!!! That’s one hugging world record down, with 101 hugs.

Happy #FreeHugs16, folks!

Keep that hugging going all day long. 🙂

And when you are done, don’t forget to submit your number of hugs.

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