(K)no(w) Context

Being a critic is easy. Breaking things is easy.

Suggesting practical improvements to complex challenges is hard. Building things is hard.

A good reminder from the Carpet Bagger Report**:

* Public education in America is trying to do something unprecedented. We strive to educate every child — regardless of race, creed, socio-economic level, family background or mental and physical challenges. Universal public education is a relatively recent idea. It is no longer just the children of the upper crust who are being educated. Public education serves the masses. This is a commendable concept, but it’s one that obviously presents a unique set of challenges.

At Swift Kick, we do our fair share of critique. We are also builders and soon we’ll get our own critics, I’m sure. I hope, actually, as that’s one of the important signs you are actually doing something: someone cares enough to argue.

I just wanted to pause for context. Public Education is trying to do something unprecedented. That’s very exciting and commendable.


** Link Broken as of June/2019

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