The Intern Who Eats Her Pizza Crust First – Meet Dee!

New intern? Check. Every six months, Swift Kick welcomes an intern or two into the exclusive family. The new year will start in style as we welcome Dee Dube to the family! We can’t wait to get to know her at our retreat in January.

Meet Dee:

A junior at Southern New Hampshire University, we met her at an NCSL conference. While studying English Language and Literature, Dee loves being involved on campus. 

Here are three positions she holds now:

  • Diversity Agent at Office of Diversity Programs
  • Student Worker at Women’s Center
  • VP of Student Government

Because she’s so cool, hence why we chose her, here are 3 fun facts about Dee, from Dee:

  • I’m really bad at tying my shoes. Like awful.
  • I took a 26-hour roundtrip bus trip all by myself to Maryland the summer between my Freshman and Sophomore year in college.
  • I eat my pizza crust first. Always.

We get to meet Dee in person on January 6th for our Quarter 1 Retreat. The team is excited for the big day and all the shenanigans to follow. Check our Instagram to follow along!

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