Newsletter: June 2010


Summer vacation has begun, and the Fall ’10 semester is just a shimmer on the horizon, but the action never stops at the Red Rover Student Directory Headquarters. With new student orientations already underway, we’re seeing a steady increase in Student Directory activity for each institution. Here are a few more things we’re excited about this June:

Network Activity Recaps

Want to know the average number of groups joined per person? Or the average number of tags per person? We’ve got you covered with our new activity recap emails. When there’s activity in your Student Directory, you’ll receive a recap email digesting what happened. Here’s a sneak peek:

Did You Know?

Roughly 93% of college students have Facebook accounts, and with just a few clicks, students can add themselves to the institution’s Student Directory through Facebook Connect. To date, 58% of Student Directory users have linked their Facebook profile to the Student Directory. John Jay and GA Highlands have the highest percentage with 74%.

If you haven’t linked your Facebook profile yet, it’s easy! Log in to the Student Directory, and look for the “Add Facebook” link on the left side of the page, under your profile photo.

Student Groups Spotlight: S.A.G.E.

At West Texas A&M University, Students Assisting in Good Endeavors use a free Google Sites webpage** to share photos and information about the organization. S.A.G.E. connects students with volunteer projects in their community, giving members a chance to give back – and to have some fun while they’re at it.

Student Leader Spotlight: Justin Gong

This fall, Justin Gong will begin his Junior year as a Chemistry Major at the University of Wisconsin – Madison. He took a few minutes to tell us about himself and about the ways that he thinks the Student Directory will change his campus. Check out the Red Rover Blog** for the full interview.

Q: The Red Rover Student Directory is launching this year at UW Madison. What changes do you expect to see on campus as a result?
I hope to see more collaboration between different organizations. Currently, student organizations typically work alone on all their projects and events. Hopefully, with [the Directory], more organizations will be able to get in contact with each other and help each other out.

Q: How is the Directory most useful to you, personally?
For me, [it’s] just a great place to find groups that I have never even known existed on campus. Typically, I used to use the university student organization directory, which was very cumbersome to navigate through. With [this Student Directory], I can easily search for groups with my own personal interests, making it quick and simple to find organizations which interest me.

Q: What tags did you use for your Student Directory profile?
Cooking, physics, biking, drawing, basketball, agnostic

Quick Tip: Edit, Flag, and Update Tags

Self-tagging is central to the Directory’s effectiveness for students and administrators. From filtering students by interest in order to promote an event, to mass-emailing everyone in a particular residence hall or major, there are countless ways to use tags to connect with students. Here’s a quick video to get you started:

Tell Us A Story

Do you know a student leader who is making a difference on your campus? Are your student organizations using digital media in new ways? Have you found a new/clever/cool way to use Red Rover? We want to feature them in next month’s newsletter, so tell us!**

Just For Fun…

Summer is the perfect time to pick up a new sport – after all, if you get started now, you’ll be ready to show off your skills by the time the dorms re-open. Athletes at Stanford University have taken up an unconventional pastime, and this documentary, by students Connor Hanten and Janessa Nickell, tells the whole story: **

** Link Broken as of May/2019

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