3 Different Questions to Reflect on about the Past Academic Year

Apparently, 4 years ago this past Saturday, I graduated from college. In other words, I experienced the passing of another ‘college career.’ It has been a chance to reflect on how, this coming September, I get married. Therefore, after my four years in the real world, I am graduating to the next step of my life. Wild!

For those of you in the academic world, you’re probably doing your own reflecting. Can you believe the seniors have graduated, or are about to? Where did this year go? It’s easy to check in with your grades, or think about what you’ve learned. But have you spent some time thinking about what connections you made this year in your campus community?

3 Questions to help you reflect on the 2016-2017 year

Did you make a new connection this year that made a deep impact on your life?

This year, I became a lot closer with some other ladies in our office. Because of these friendships, I have had people to share with me the ups and downs of life. They celebrated my engagement, let me cry when a relative was sick, and helped me pick my wedding shoes. Take a moment to appreciate the people who entered your life this year.

Who have you been able to help?

One of the greatest things about being plugged into a great community is that the people become sources of help to each other. Through our similarities and differences, we do things together we could never do alone. Who has benefited greatly from knowing you? Whose life have you made better?

What words would you use to describe the culture and community on campus?

Joyful or depressing? Uplifting? Disheartening? Has the culture of your campus made you feel empowered? Do you feel proud to be a member of the community? Bonus question: how can you make the culture even better than it was?

Congratulations to all of you who have graduated and are ready to take the lessons about community that you have learned into the big world. For those of you looking forward to another year on campus, I hope this chance to reflect has made you excited to be a better community member.

Now, go have an epic summer – you earned it.

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