5 Quotes to Hang on Your Wall to Make You a Happy Leader

Have you ever felt like life is bringing you down and you need a pick-me-up? If you answered yes, then I am right there with you! If you answered no, then I am extremely jealous of you but grateful that you have not had this feeling. 🙂 It doesn’t matter if you are a student, staff member, or faculty member. Everyone has this feeling at some point in their life. I am here to share with you how I kick this feeling to the curb! I have a quotes board in my office that I look at every day.

I would like to share with you the quotes that I have in my office. I love to fill my head with happiness and positive quotes because they help me get through the day with a smile on my face. No matter what mood I am in, I look at my quotes board and realize that there is no reason to be down. As long as I find one positive in the day, I am happy and hold on to that positive until the next day. 🙂

While in a leadership position, you do not want to portray yourself as a negative person. If you do, it will only make those around you negative as well. This quote is important because it reminds us that if you make happiness a habit, then it will come naturally. If you are happy, your followers will be happy as well.

I learned about this quote from my grandmother. While pictures are beautiful and important, the memories are the real deal. As a leader, making memories with your groups and organizations is important. You want them to remember the good and bad. It is important to remember the bad as well as the good so that changes can be made. Not every leader is perfect – we must always keep that in mind.

This is my second favorite quote. It reminds me from a personal perspective, and from a leadership perspective, that there are no limits to what we can accomplish! Life only gets better! If we can send a man to the moon, then we can all achieve the impossible.

Number 1 FAVORITE quote right here. When I get my first tattoo, it is going to be this quote. My family is the most important thing in my life. I love my family and would do anything for them. Not only is my family my parents, siblings, grandparents, cousins, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, etc. but they are my friends and organizations as well. It is important to think of your club or organization as your family. They are there for you when you need them and vise versa. As leaders, we can not only depend on ourselves, but our “family” as well.

This last quote is important to help keep yourself positive. From a leadership perspective, you want to keep your mind full of positive thoughts. If you always think “I can do it, I can do it”! Eventually, you will be able to do it. If you think “This is impossible, I can not achieve this,” you probably won’t. We want to stay positive when thinking, so our groups and organizations stay positive and believe that they can accomplish anything!

Until next time, have a great day!

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