#RAK16 – Everything You Wanted to Know About Random Acts of Kindness Day

Thank you to everyone who participated in #RAK16 Day! It was fun, as always, to see how many different ways there are to show kindness to others.

The Buzz

“Our group looks forward to RAK every year. This year we are pledging more random acts of kindness then we have ever done. I am very excited to be a part of our Phi Theta Kappa Chapter and the great things that we are doing in the community.”

 – Roane State Community College Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society (Advisor Ms. Claudia Cummings)

“It’s the little things that can make a huge impact on people’s lives.”

– Erik Trenary (A.R.K. Society, Colorado School of Mines)

 The Stats

The video

Extra Blog Posts

#RAK16- 10 Reasons to Spread the Love Tomorrow 

5 Adjectives to Describe Random Acts of Kindness Day 2016 #RAK16 – Swift Kick

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