[Video] Running Effective Brainstorms – The Swift Kickin’ It Show

Brainstorming often gets a bad rap. One study that gets quoted over and over says that group brainstorming is ineffective and pointless. Is it really? How can you have a really good brainstorm with your team? These are the questions…

This episode of the Swift Kickin’ It Show has the answers. We sit down with Heather Willems, co-author of Draw Your Big Idea. We chat about her experiences facilitating group brainstorms for teams and companies. If you are worried you are wasting your time in brainstorming meetings, this episode will give you tips on how to effectively generate great ideas.

Checkity-check it out!

Swift Kickin’ It Show – Season 1; Episode 7 – Running Effective Brainstorms

Show notes:

Book – A More Beautiful Questionhttps://amzn.to/2Xy1KDf*

Check out Heather’s book Draw Your Big Idea https://amzn.to/2XM2W5S*

T2 Teas – https://www.t2tea.com/

Connect with Heather on social @heather_willems

Connect with Tom on social @tomkrieglstein

Connect with Melissa on Insta @melissa_a_ruiz

Connect with Swift Kick on social @SwiftKickHQ

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Want to know more about The Swift Kickin’ It Show? Check out our first episode. And then check out our second episode, ya know, for fun. And you know what? Here’s the playlist of every episode. Binge watch – you deserve it.

* This is an affiliate link.

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