Sami Reflects on Her Year as a Swift Kick Intern

 Dear Swift Kick Family,

It brings me a mixture of great pleasure and sadness to say that I am finally moving on from the Swift Kick team. Honestly, I cannot believe that I have been on the team for a whole year!! I just couldn’t get enough of you all. The experiences, friendships, and knowledge that I have gained from this team are indescribable. I can honestly say that I have learned from each and every team member that I have had the pleasure of working with. I have a personal note for each of you, and of course, for the Swift Kick community!


This past six months as your intern twin has been awesome. 🙂 We teamed up on some great projects and became Snapchat besties! I am thankful to have had you on the team and to have gotten to know you from the first day you started as a newbie to the amazing kick butt intern that you are now. You will do great things in your future, and I can’t wait to see what you accomplish!


My intern soulmate! Since the day we both started as baby interns a year ago, so much has changed! I can not express how proud I am of you with your commencement speech and all of the successes that you have had this past year. I love how supportive you were as my intern soulmate. Thank you for always sending such positive texts my way. You rocked the free hugs day and will rock the future ones to come!


I am so thankful to have been on a team with you! Even though we didn’t have many projects or tasks together, we always seemed to find a way to chat randomly. I love asking you how India is, and I love when you ask about America! Jay, thank you for always having a smile on your face and for helping me throughout this past year with the million tech questions I’ve had.


My newsletter bestie! Between the newsletter meetings and 1:1s we have had during this year, I couldn’t have done it without you. Your continuous support, caring demeanor, and positive random slack messages have helped tremendously! Mel, thank you for always asking me how I am doing on projects, being my support system through Swift Kick, and just being a great friend overall! I will miss your interesting noises and comments, and most of all your face! I hope to see you at future programs and visits to NY.


SABINA! Oh my, lanta, your little note was the hardest to write! I am so thankful and blessed to have met you. You have helped me grow through this past year, and you don’t even know it! I am so thankful to have learned from you all of the random tasks and events that we do here on the team. We are exactly alike when it comes to personality, and that just makes me so happy. Every ODOH moment that we have, you genuinely cared and showed so much interest in my life. There had been some amazing days and hard days through this past year that you have helped me through. Any intern is and will be lucky to have the chance to work with you. 🙂


Where to even start with this guy? Well, first, I hope you hire me full time one day 😉 haha jkjk (but seriously). On a real note, I wanted to thank you from the bottom of my heart for hiring my crazy, weird self. I have learned so much about myself, what I want to do in my future, and what Swift Kick is really about from you. This ranges from just working on the team, to eating sushi, to going to programs and supporting whenever I could. Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to tag along at programs and the APCA conference. The knowledge that I have gained throughout this past year will stay with me during the career path that I am on. So, again, thank you for everything this past year, and thank you for being your weird peanut butter loving self!

SK community

Last, but definitely not least, the Swift Kick Community. I want to thank each and every one of you who dedicate your time to reading our blogs and following the team. Without you, we would not exist. Without you, I would have never met the team and would have never had this amazing opportunity to intern at Swift Kick. So, for that, I thank each and every one of you from the bottom of my heart. 🙂

During the past twelve months of my Swift Kick journey, I can happily say that this was the experience of a lifetime. I am thankful and grateful for those of you that I have met through this internship, whether it was at the APCA conference, through a school program I attended, or simply through our blog.  It has been a pleasure. Keep spreading the word about this amazing company! I know I will.

Until next time, have a great day!


Sami Litchert

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