Sleep is Neat (And Makes Your Community Better)

Recently, I was averaging going to bed at 2:00am and then waking up at 8:00am. That’s what about 6 hours of sleep every day of the week.

Ahhh, not good!

In fact, it was so “not good” that I was sick over the entire Easter weekend while I was supposed to be relaxing and enjoying the sunshine with my family.

 I am one of those people who works their butt off and stays up all hours of the night and then wakes up early in the morning to do the same exact thing.  Even though self-care is an important thing that I’m always reminded about, it seems that I never remember about it until I get sick from being drained and working too hard.

Why should I have listened to all of those individuals who were always reminding me about self-care?

Well…when you get more sleep, you tend to be:

  1. more productive throughout your work day
  2. happier within your community
  3. more willing to assist other members of your community to be more productive and relaxed in a stressful situation

Remember, sleep is neat because when you get more sleep you are able to bring your best self forward to help other members of the community!

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