Sugar, Butter, Flour: Life Lessons from Waitress

Sugar, Butter, Flour: Life Lessons from Waitress

“Sugar, butter, flour” were the first words sung on a dark stage with a spotlight on Jenna, a waitress at a pie shop, who is unhappily married, pregnant and has an affair with her doctor. 

A few weeks ago, I saw Waitress with the APCA Leadership on Broadway Conference. The talent on the stage blew me away, but the lessons and process of self-discovery made me sit with myself for a little and really think.

Here are some takeaway lyrics and lessons from this movie turned musical:

“And then it’s down with the recipe and bake from the heart.” (Jenna)

Sometimes, the rulebook holds us back from what we want in life. Most times, the rulebook was written for someone else. Don’t be afraid to write your own book, and don’t be afraid to ask for help.

“What if I give myself away, to only get it given back?” (Dawn)

Petrified of love, Dawn looks for a way to explain the reasons she doesn’t need to date. The vulnerability that comes with the process is frightening for her. Whether in dating, applying for a position, opening up to a friend, we give parts of ourselves away all the time. Is the reward worth the risk? Only you can answer that.

“Sometimes one bite is more than enough to know you want more of the thing you just got a taste of.”  (Jenna and Dr. Pomatter)

Ever had that moment where you think, “I could do this forever”? Five minutes and you know this thing you’re doing or experiencing has to be part of your life long term. This is how non-involved students become student leaders, student leaders become directors of student involvement, ballerinas become Misty Copeland.

“When your breaking point’s all that you have, a dream is a soft place to land. ” (Jenna)

Author, Mark Batterson says, “You are only one decision away from a totally different life.” Whatever your dreams are, life has a funny way of making them easier to avoid as you get older. Remember who you were and how you felt when you first had the dream you might be ignoring. Dreams are nice to fall back on, but they can quickly become a box of ideas tucked under the bed that turn to regrets. Live a life of “Remember that time when…” instead of “What if I had…”

“I love you means you’re never, ever, ever getting rid of me.” (Ogie)

This is just a funny line from the show. Ogie is a bit odd, and so endearing. I’ve had students says this exact sentence to me! They suddenly become the president of every club and you’re not even sure how it happened. Bonus points when they bring friends along for the ride! #TeamHuman

“But I believe there’s something in you, something you should be seeing too […] Cause honey win or lose, it’s one hell of a ride.” (Joe)

This song, “Take it From an Old Man,” is a lesson for Jenna from the owner of the pie shop, Joe. Life is one hell of a ride, so bring it! “Challenge accepted!” “Let’s do this!” [Insert every cliche here.]

She Used to Be Mine. (Jenna)

EVERY. LAST. WORD. For anyone who has struggled with identity, growth, self-doubt, anxiety, depression or second guessed whether or not they are where they are supposed to be in life, this song sums it up perfectly. Listen, read the lyrics, take it in.

“Everything changes. What I thought was so permanent, fades.” (Jenna)

Life is funny. The days may all look the same, but the special part is years later when you can look back and see the changes that have taken place inside and out. Then, you can revel in the person you have become.

In my time on this earth, I have never felt like I had it all together. Music has been an important way for me to normalize the crazy emotions I may be feeling at any given moment. Send me your favorite lyrics! (And no, they don’t have to be from a musical!)

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