The Student Directory at UW Madison: An Interview With Justin Gong

University of Wisconsin–Madison

This fall, Justin Gong will begin his Junior year as a Chemistry Major at the University of Wisconsin – Madison. He took a few minutes to tell us about himself, and about the positive impact that the Red Rover Student Directory is having on UW Madison’s campus.

Q: How important is social technology in your life? Do you actively use Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, etc?

While I don’t actively use much social media throughout my day, I do find it useful to connect with people that I usually don’t see often. Also, it is the best way to stay in contact with people who now live far away.

Q: The Red Rover Student Directory is launching this year at UW Madison. What changes do you expect to see on campus as a result?

I hope to see more collaboration between different organizations. Currently, student organizations typically work alone on all their projects and events. Hopefully, with [the Directory], more organizations will be able get in contact with each other and help each other out.

Q: How is the Directory most useful to you, personally?

For me, [it’s] just a great place to find groups that I have never even known existed on campus. Typically, I used to use the university student organization directory, which was very cumbersome to navigate through. With [the Directory], I can easily search for groups with my own personal interests, making it quick and simple to find organizations which interest me.

Q: What tags did you use for your Directory profile?

cooking, physics, biking, drawing, basketball, agnostic

Q: Can you tell us about some exciting groups on your campus?

One obvious mention is Engineers without Borders, who do a whole bunch of volunteer projects in various parts of the world helping communities improve their living situations. Other groups include The Ballroom Dance Association, who provide a place for students just to relax once in a while, and Clowne Troupe, who help provide entertainment for others.

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