It’s Time To Go – Nicole’s Internship Wrap Up

Where do I even start?

In no way did I ever imagine this internship turning out the way it did. I have no clue what I will end up doing for my career, but this internship was an amazing choice. Not only did it allow me to take a peek at the student affairs professional’s life, but showed me how anything is possible. How does a company of 5 people run all these different groups (SAC, SK, DFT, Free Hugs Day, RAK… the list goes on)? Even I don’t know the answer to that.

Well, turns out, it was an amazing internship. That crazy lady sitting next to me turned into a new best friend and the weird guy that popped in and out of the office became a glorious mentor.

Unlike typical internships, Swift Kick makes sure that you know you matter. I’m not doing coffee runs, or copies, or errands. I’m allowed to take control of certain projects and make them bigger and better. I’m trusted with a lot, therefore, learned a lot!

Things I can do now that I couldn’t before:

  • Use WordPress
  • Make cohesive spreadsheets that everyone understands how to use
  • Ship large amounts of packages
  • Calm Sabina down
  • Make Infographics
  • Carry large boxes down Broadway without hurting anyone but myself
  • Use social media to increase people’s interest
  • Crafts…. so many crafts
  • Get out of a locked room by finding a hidden key

And those are just some of the things I took from this internship. It’s a long, amazing, crazy journey to take with two equally insane bosses, but I’ll never forget this experience. My advice to anyone interning at Swift Kick? Let it happen. Allow yourself to be confused. Don’t let your confusion take you down. Ask questions. You’ll learn from your mistakes. And most importantly – be yourself.

And as for Tom and Sabina – thank you for being there every step of the way, whether it be while supporting me, assisting me, or teasing me, I appreciated every moment. I’ll miss working with you both at LMHQ (even if Tom was literally never there……. throwing shade). And to Jay, I learned so much from you. Thank you for teaching me so much and making me laugh everyday.


My last note goes out to Matt for being the other brilliant intern and helping me out so much with all the little things to get my rocks done. Couldn’t have done it without you! Keep feeding your butterflies.


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