Welcoming Elon to the Swift Kick Team!

No, no. Not Musk. We have a cooler Elon on board here at SKHQ. Elon Kline is a sophomore at University of Delaware, studying Interpersonal Effectiveness in Leadership. He is also minoring in Organizational Community Leadership and Entrepreneurial Studies. But somehow he has time in between all that studying to also rock star his internship with us! He hopes to be a professional speaker some day.

We asked him for three fun facts about himself, and here’s what he told us.

He used to be a competitive yo-yo-er.

He is red-green color-blind. 

He’s a hot sauce connoisseur.

We are hoping he will show us some of those yo-yo tricks while he’s here.

We got to meet Elon in person at our retreat this month, and he is as awesome as he sounds on paper. We had a great time hanging out with him and starting the quarter off right. Look out for a recap of the fun times we had, coming soon!

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