[Video] The Fast Forward Mindset – Accelerating Team Success

Sound effects, Sarah Mclachlan, and the Fast Forward Mindset. What do they all have in common? This episode of the Swift Kickin’ It Show.

This episode of SKTV is for team leaders want to get their team on the fast, but effective, track to success. We chat with Lawline’s CEO, David Schnurman, about his Fast Forward Mindset. Plug in to our show to arm yourself with great tips and lots of laughs.

Checkity-check it out!

Swift Kickin’ It Show – Season 1; Episode 3 –  The Fast Forward Mindset: Accelerating Team Success

Show notes:

David’s book The Fast Forward Mindset –> https://amzn.to/2GQjjs9

Sharknado* movie

David’s Twitter –> https://twitter.com/DavidSchnurman

Lawline website –> https://lawline.com

Gazelles Strategic Planning Insights –> https://gazelles.com/

How to Stop Worrying and Start Living* by Dale Carnegie

Connect with Swift Kick on social @SwiftKickHQ

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Want to know more about The Swift Kickin’ It Show? Check out our first episode. And then check out our second episode, ya know, for fun.

* This is an affiliate link.

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