5 Books that are Perfect for Your Team

Do you do extreme sports?

The stranger next to me at our shared office looked expectantly at me while my brain tried to understand why on earth anyone would think that about me. I am barely over five feet, I wear high heels and sun dresses, and I talk very loudly and often about my hatred for all things in “nature.” (There are bugs, people. SPIDERS!) He nodded at the book I was currently reading, placed next to my laptop: Deep Survival by Laurence Gonzalez. No, sir, I, emphatically, do not do extreme sports.

Here at Swift Kick we have a book club that meets about once a month. One of the books we read was Deep Survival, which explains my uncharacteristic book companion. I never would have picked it up on my own, ever.

But I loved it. I learned so much about what survival entails, and also about my teammates, when we discussed the book at our meeting.

Now that I have convinced you that books are fantastic for bringing your team together, as well as introducing you to epic reads, here are my recommendations for your next book club meeting.

1. Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World that Can’t Stop Talking*


What you’ll learn: Whether you are an introvert or extrovert, how to work with introverts, how to be your best introvert self, how to appreciate all styles.

2. SuperBetter: How a gameful life can make you stronger, happier, braver and more resilient*


What you’ll learn: How to reach goals, together, by turning your life into a game – winning battles, fighting bad guys, and going on quests.

3. The Five Dysfunctions of a Team: A Leadership Fable*


What you’ll learn: How to become a better, more effective team, using counter-intuitive tips in an easy to read story format.

4. A Box of Matches*


Unlike the other books, this recommendation is a work of fiction, following the diary entries of a normal guy, who wakes up before the rest his family, lights a fire, and writes in the dark, about whatever enters his mind.

What you’ll learn: Besides the great calming effect of this book, you will learn how to think creatively and beautifully about every day stuff, following his example

5. Do You Talk Funny?: 7 Comedy Habits to Become a Better (and Funnier) Public Speaker*


What you’ll learn: How to do better presentations than any other team out there, and how to laugh while learning about it (and then making others laugh!)

* This is an affiliate link.

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