[BONUS Episode] Feed Your Butterflies – The Swift Kickin’ It Show

Feed your butterflies! No, not the ones you raised from larvae in 3rd grade. We are talking about the butterflies you get when you stand on stage or decide to try something brand new. Instead of running away and calling your mom, what if you turned that feeling into an accomplishment?

This episode of the Swift Kickin’ It Show is for team leaders who need to turn nervousness into excitement. We sit down with Mona Patel to talk about her experience inspiring others (and herself!) to think differently and try something outside of their comfort zone. If you’re looking for concrete ways to “feed your butterflies,” this episode will teach you how to take risks, calm yourself more effectively, and push your team to the next level.

Checkity-check it out!

Swift Kickin’ It Shows – Season 1; Episode 10 – Feed Your Butterflies

Show notes & further reading:

Mona’s children’s book The Thing About Swings – https://goo.gl/Fejmnr

Mona’s book Reframe – https://amzn.to/2UstFDA *

Too Sell Is Human – https://amzn.to/2rllX0A *

Superbetter – https://amzn.to/2UkIisi *

Girl, Wash Your Face – https://amzn.to/2Pkj4Xz *

ARTICLE – Why Do you Feel Butterflies in Your Stomach? –  https://goo.gl/JDuXk3

SKTV episode where Tom does Pictionary – https://goo.gl/SSEUnz

99% Invisible Podcast – https://99percentinvisible.org/

Mona’s Company, Motivated Design – https://www.motivatedesign.com/

Insider Insight Collective ** (more info below) – https://goo.gl/p7KWt7

Connect with us:

Mona on Twitter @monapatel and Insta @monakpatel

Tom on social @tomkrieglstein

Melissa on Insta @melissa_a_ruiz

Sabina on social @sabinadeelight

Swift Kick on social @SwiftKickHQ

What did you think? Leave your comments below, as well as any ideas for future topics!

Want to know more about The Swift Kickin’ It Show? Check out our first episode. And then check out our second episode, ya know, for fun. And you know what? Here’s the playlist of every episode. Binge watch – you deserve it.

**More information on Mona’s Insider Insight Collective

Mona Patel recently launched a really amazing research collective, the Insider Insight Collective. This collective is made up of  people just like you, who are curious, empathetic and invested in improving the lives of their communities. This collective pays Insiders to go out and have conversations with their community around a range of topics, including design, lifestyle, personal development and entrepreneurship. I know that your unique perspectives would be a welcome and necessary addition to the work that they’re doing, and Mona would love to have you on board!

Right now, Insider Insight is giving the Swift Kick community an exclusive opportunity to be fast-tracked into the Collective. That means that after you join you’ll immediately become eligible to take part in projects and get paid to have conversations with your loved ones.

If you’re interested in joining, click the link in the show notes above.

* This is an affiliate link.

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