Gift Buying Guide for Your Whole Team

Gift Buying Guide for Your Whole Team

It’s the holiday season! (So woop-de-doo, and dickery dock..) If you want to show your appreciation for your team to help them get through the end of the quarter, an early gift exchange can do the trick. But what to get?

For the overachiever who has saved your butt several times last minute

  • A funny mug (like this one!)
  • A spa day/treat-yo-self gift basket
  • A gift card to the nearest coffee shop

For the always pulled together all-star

For your right-hand man/lady

  • Matching best friends keychains or jewelry
  • Something from Etsy about their favorite TV show
  • A planned day of activities for the two of you

For someone who you want to get to know better

  • A gift card to a restaurant and promise to carve out time for a friend-date
  • Something hand-made with a nice quote that anyone would feel inspired by
  • Tickets to a sporting event or concert

What really successful gifts have you given to your teammates? Let us know below!

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