How is Red Rover Changing Your Campus?

How is Red Rover Changing Your Campus?

Donny Jenkins is studying Biology at Georgia Highlands College. In the interview below, Donny shares how Red Rover is changing the way students connect on his campus.

Q: How does RR help your campus?
A: I show the students my account and the contacts and friends I have made using Red Rover’s tools. I explain how I became involved with different organizations and clubs through the “Student Interests” tab.

Q: How do you personally use RR?
A: I constantly network with alumni because it’s so easy to find students who took the same class as me or were in the same club.

Q: What are some cool groups on your campus?
A: The coolest group on my campus is Highlands Interactive Production or HIP! We are the campus activity programming board for Georgia Highlands College. I got to attend my first conference at APCA (Association for the Promotion of Campus Activities) this semester.

Q: What campus interest tag surprised you in terms of uniqueness or # of students with the tag?
A: Diversity is the tag that surprised me the most. Sometimes it’s hard to imagine all the different backgrounds people are from. It influences decisions not only on a personal level, but on a community level. Diversity is one of the great strengths of a campus and a community.

Q: What type of alumni from GA Highlands would you most like to reach out to for career guidance?
A: I would most like to reach out to those in my major because they are going through, and have been through, part of the education and training I need to obtain my goals. They have vast amounts of information about the industry and important connections. I would also like to reach out to those who have been in the organization I have been in because they know the love you pour into them and why you chose them. It’s amazing the friends you can make for life when you share an emotional bond to something with them.

Q: You just started blogging, what do you think will be the biggest value for you to publicly share your experiences?
A: I think the biggest value for me to share my blog with the public is feedback and collaboration and new ideas. Some of my readers have been in the same situations I have been in and have great feedback to a problem or concern I have. I also like to put out fresh ideas or twist on things no one has thought about.

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