Student Leader Spotlight: Kia Lamica (SUNY Cobleskill)


School and Year: SUNY Cobleskill ’16

Major: Animal Science Dairy Production & Management

Leadership position: Student Government Association President

How do you define leadership? 

Leadership is having the ability to guide someone or a group of people. Some people are born with leadership, but for a majority of people you have to have the desire to learn it. A leaders position is to guide his/her group in the direction that it needs to go: while creating future leaders to replace yourself.

What first inspired you to become a student leader/get your current position?

I have always wanted to be a part of something bigger than myself. I was raised in the fashion that if you can help someone; it was your duty, if one person fails, and walking by someone in need is unacceptable. When I cam here to Suny Cobleskill it was new experience, it was scary, however I refused to let that keep me from working my way to the top. I was part of my Hall Council for my residence hall. We had an event in which each building was a different country in the world, we were France. I was asked to build the Eiffel  Tower out of cardboard. It was then that I realized that I could make this into a wonderful piece of art. I had a weekend to complete this Eiffel Tower. I decided to make it out of popsicle sticks. 3,500 popsicle sticks, a package of hot glue and 17 hours later I had built a 5 foot tall Eiffel Tower. Being involved in Hall Council made me want to be more. After that, I joined Student Government and was hired as a Resident Assistant. Through my involvement and determination, I worked my way up the chain and was elected by my Student Body to serve them as their President.

What is one experience (any kind) you think everyone should have?

I think everyone should have the experience of achieving everything that they hoped! The feeling is amazing, whether it is 5 minutes on top or 5 years it is the sense of accomplishment that makes the journey worth it.

What was your number one take-away from DFT?

To reach success you have to be willing to think out side of the box and try things that may not be tradition. While trying to reach success you may have to step side-to-side, or diagonally, and even backward. Also, knowing that failure will happen are all key points of getting to your end point.

What is your go-to happy song?

My go-to happy song is Eye of the Tiger by Survivor because the beat of it can just take anyone’s bad mood and turn them into a motivated happy person.

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