Almost everyone gets snow days. If you do not, I am so sorry. Snow days are personally my favorite days! The weather is cool, there are fun activities to do, and most importantly, NO SCHOOL!!! I think of snow days as “mental health days”. Everyone needs a day off every now and then. So just relax and don’t do work. I thought up some amazing and fun things to do on a snow day. I highly recommend taking the time and taking advantage of these tips for a fun and relaxing day.
Sleep in
Encourage your residents to take an extra hour or two of sleep if they seem to not get enough. It is always nice to catch up on sleep that no college student ever gets.
Go sledding
Ahh, the beauty of team building. Go ahead and take some residents out sledding and see if it could count as a program! It is always nice to make new traditions or try out old ones. The picture above is a staff bonding moment at Cedar Crest college. The tradition there is to go sledding on lunch trays — and the cafeteria put a bunch out for them to do it!
Play in the snow
There is nothing for a mental health break from school work and classes like playing in the snow. It is so beautiful and cold. The best part if you can go take pretty pictures of people knocking the snow off of trees, make snow angels, and build a snowman. Or — you can get really creative — and go out and make a snow fort!
Write positive notes on people’s cars
Take your residents around and write positive messages on cars in the snow. You’ll definitely bond with one another while spreading the love around campus!
Drink some hot chocolate or hot tea

A snow day is a great reason to make a cup of hot chocolate, coffee, or tea! It’s even better if you knock on all your residents’ doors to see who wants to join you for a warm cup.
Do some crafts with friends
PROGRAMMING 101! Almost EVERYONE loves to make crafts and hang out. There are so many things you can do with a few crafty items. Encourage your residents to make their own door decs, make a card for someone, or just sit down and craft. It’s fun and relaxing!
Play video games
If you are a gamer then this is for you. Sometimes it is nice to take a day off and gather with friends to play games. I remember when I was still in college as an undergraduate, we played 15 hours of Call Of Duty and Guitar Hero. It was one of the best snow days I could ask for!
Watch a movie, or five
Nothing is better than relaxing, snuggling up with a blanket, eating popcorn, and watching a movie, or five. Sometimes it’s nice to just hang out with friends and watch movies that you haven’t seen in forever. It is also a great idea for a program if you want to involve your residents in the fun. 🙂
Play board games
Bring back the childhood memories! Grab your favorite board game that you used to play when you were younger and invite your friends. It’s so much fun and such a great time. The last snow day that we had at my school, my I busted out Sorry!, LIFE, and Clue with my RAs. It was a great time.
Play with a baby (if you can find one)
Lastly, but definitely not least, cuddle a baby. 🙂 If you are a commuter, or are at home during a snow storm, try to be stranded at a house that has a kid. Baby therapy is the best there is on a snow day. There was a time where I broke my ankle and knew we were going to get about two feet of snow. I called my uncle to pick me up, so I could be at a place where it wasn’t difficult to get around. Plus this little girl in the photo above was at the house! It was a lovely time with a lovely baby! Bonus points if you bring your best friend with you.
Always take advantage of a snow day if you can. You never want to miss out on all the fun you could be having!
Until next time, have a great day!